Management Committee

To hold a position on the Kenmore West Kindy Management Committee gives you the opportunity to be more involved in the decision making of our kindy and shaping its future.

It is a highly rewarding and important role that will have you getting to know the teachers/staff, parents and wider community well and feel part of the kindy community. We have a variety of committee positions we need to fill each year which are:
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Fundraising & Events
  • Marketing
  • Grants
  • Sustainability
To contact Kenmore West Kindy’s Management Committee, or if you would like to nominate for an open position simply email Committee meetings are held every month and all parents are welcome to attend. If you have an agenda item you would like to be raised and discussed at an upcoming committee meeting email


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Places are limited. Be sure to join the waitlist to secure your child’s spot.

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Want to see what a real kindy day is like at KWK? Book your personal tour today.