We invite parents to visit our kindy, so we can show you around, meet the staff and educators and answer all your questions.
You can visit during our operating hours from Monday to Friday between 8.35am to 2.35pm. Contact us on 07 3378 6488 or email admin@kenmorewestkindy.asn.au to book a time for your own personal tour to see what a real kindy day at Kenmore West Kindy is like.
Our address is: 34 Fallbrook Street, Kenmore (find us on Google Maps).
Places at Kenmore West Kindy are offered in July to those children on our waiting list and who are of the eligible pre-prep age (eg. 3.5 years to 4.5 years old) for the following year. View our waiting list form to see how our kindy age groupings work.
To be on the waiting list, simply download a KWK Waiting List form (or email us /drop-in to collect) and return it along with the $20 waiting list fee to the kindy. Our postal address is PO Box 56, Kenmore, 4069.
You are encouraged to inquire about vacancies at any time or put your child’s name on the waiting list as vacancies may arise during the year.
The standard daily rate is now inclusive of any levies and fees that our kindy previously charged eg. Association fee, Maintenance levy and Community Contribution levy.
Other than a voluntary Building Fund donation request each term, you will not be charged any other fees or levies for attending Kenmore West Kindergarten.
Free kindy for eligible children
Free kindergarten (i.e. 15 hours a week) will be available to all children who are eligible for kindergarten in the year they turn four. This means that children who turn four by 30 June will be eligible for free kindergarten.
Fees for non-eligible child (i.e. 3 years old, or second group attendance, or claiming funding at another Service):
Daily fee: $75
Termly fee: $1,875
Annual Fee: $7,500
Kenmore West Kindy is a single unit centre which is approved to provide education and care to children 3-5 years. We have 22 children in each of the two pre-prep age groups.
Our five-day fortnight programs are:
Mon, Tues & Wed (alternating)
8.35am – 2.45pm
Educators: Tash and Nadyne
Thurs, Fri & Wed (alternating)
8.35am – 2.45pm
Educators: Rob and Sonya
Note: Kenmore West Kindy operates during School Terms. There are four pupil free days a year, which are highlighted in the Kindy Calendar.
Take a virtual tour to see what makes Kenmore West Kindy one of the best kindy’s in the area.
Find out more about our friendly, supportive and experienced staff/teaching team
Join our friendly and highly-regarded community kindy. Enrolments now open.
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